Mediterranean Garden Society

Contacting the MGS

The photograph at the top of this page shows Cyclamen persicus growing out of a crack in a wall in Cyprus (Photo Elizabeth Lawley)

Become a member of the MGS

For general enquiries about the MGS and specific enquiries about the membership or subscriptions contact the Secretary:
Carolyn Mitsikostas

The MGS, PO Box 14, Glyka Nera, GR-15304 Greece

For enquiries and contributions to the MGS website or Branch Pages contact the Web Editor: Yvonne Barton

For all matters concerning The Mediterranean Garden, including the submission of articles, contact the Editor: Caroline Harbouri

For enquiries about visiting the MGS garden (members only – no commercial groups can be accepted) contact: Sparoza Visits

Contact the various International MGS branches by country

THE MEDITERRANEAN GARDEN is the registered trademark of The Mediterranean Garden Society in the European Union, Australia, and the United States of America

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