Mediterranean Garden Society

The Mediterranean Garden

The photograph at the top of this page shows Matthiola sinuate, sweet-smelling sea stock, found wild by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea (Photo Alisdair Aird)

Mabey, Richard: 56 2
macadamia: 64 70; 69 15, 21; 70 17; 74 71
Macadamia: 49 13
Macadamia integrifolia: 69 15; 70 17; 74 71
Macadamia ternifolia: 13 12
MacArthur, Elizabeth: 44 60
macchia: 4 19; 51 14; 53 17; 82 51, 53, 70; 86 68; 96 5; 102 3
macchina calabrese: 83 66
maceiras: 73 53
Macer: 75 29-31
Macfadyena: 3 7; 14 28; S(1) 17, 20
Macfadyena unguis-cati: 10 4; 15 25; 19 47, 48; 22 55; 26 50; 33 52; 38 17; 40 22; 45 26; 60 6; S(1) 20; 67 13; 70 69
mâche: 64 50; 67 64
Mackaya bella: 108 20
Maclura pomifera: 26 36; 67 44
Macroglossum stellatarum: 64 46; 83 11
Macronesian flora of the Canary Islands: 72 7
Macronesian plants: 53 15
Macrosiphum rosae: 75 33
Macrostylis: 19 36, 39; S(1) 38, 40
Macrozamia: 79 55; 81 11
Macrozamia moorei: 83 59
Madagascar Jasmine: 92 33
Madagascar periwinkle: 46 11; 81 56
madder: 53 40-42; 60 45; 63 47; 81 19; 82 46
Madeira cranesbill: 93 34
Madeira ivy: 70 38
Madeira palm: 33 30
Madia elegans: 74 4
Madinat al Zahra: 74 28
Madonna lily: 2 6; 6 16; 35 39; 49 12; 57 1; 62 49, 50; 72 22; 77 66; 84 7; 102 67
madrone: 15 7; 24 11; 27 4, 12, 14
Mafia: 83 66
maggots: 56 62; 94 41
Magna Graecia: 81 65
magnesium: 48 40; 49 51
magnesium bicarbonate: 48 38
magnesium carbonate: 48 38
magnesium sulphate: 48 38
Magnol, Pierre: 30 38; 86 71
magnolia: 1 7; 10 12; 28 6, 44; 29 48-50, 52; 30 38-40, 51; 32 6; 39 65; 48 7; 49 14, 16; 52 21; 69 56; 76 41, 42, 45; 77 11; 79 8; 81 8; 84 13, 53; 89 43; 91 17, 41; 93 8; 94 13; 97 27; 98 15; 106 60; 108 58
Magnolia: 15 10; 18 23, 24; 19 64, 68; 21 3; 102 46
Magnolia delavayi: 31 56; 82 26
Magnolia denudata: 11 28; 30 38
Magnolia grandiflora: 1 7; 2 9; 4 12; 6 17; 12 7; 14 16; 17 56; 18 22, 54; 23 10; 26 64, 65; 29 51; 30 38, 39; 35 17; 36 30; 39 4, 65, 66; 42 17, 25; 43 63; 47 10; 49 14; 51 48; 56 14; 60 22; 62 2; 74 24; 77 11; 80 13; 83 23, 57; 84 13; 85 32; 87 53; 89 8, 9; 93 8; 94 13; 102 11; 108 53
Magnolia grandiflora 'Exmouth': 18 22
Magnolia grandiflora 'Goliath': 18 22
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem': 30 39
Magnolia grandiflora 'Victoria': 44 30
Magnolia liliiflora: 30 38
Magnolia soulangiana hybrids: 30 38
Magnolia stellata: 43 13; 101 22
Magnolia × loebneri 'Leonard Messel': 11 29
Magnolia × soulangiana: 10 12; 39 65; 42 24, 25; 89 42
Magnoliaceae: 30 38
mahonia: 59 31; 89 8; 97 42
Mahonia: 39 15; 94 41
Mahonia aquifolium: 6 35; 7 36; 19 47; 36 27; 52 26; 76 42; 102 16
Mahonia californica: 77 112
Mahonia dictyota: 77 112
Mahonia dictyota 'Shasta Blue': 15 7; 77 36
Mahonia duclouxiana: 79 54
Mahonia 'Elizabeth': 44 34
Mahonia japonica: 73 50
Mahonia lomariifolia: 19 66
Mahonia pinnata: 28 30; 104 63
Mahonia siamensis: 29 4; 49 14; 79 54
Mahonia × media 'Charity': 19 47; 35 34; 77 62
Mahonia × media 'Hookeriana': 35 34; 77 62
maidenhair fern: 19 66; 21 29; 26 61; 42 39; 56 25; 59 10; 82 20, 46; 105 27
maidenhair fern, New Zealand: 108 35
maintenance: 53 12, 39; 76 5, 7, 28
Maire, René: 97 34-36
Maireana: 69 36
maize: 6 16; 57 31, 32; 58 68; 96 27
maize, black: 70 52
Majorana syriaca: 59 70
Majorelle (garden): 20 51, 52; 54 65; 73 65; 79 66; 81 55; 92 8; 93 65
Majorelle, Jacques: 74 32; 81 55; 105 64
Makrylia: 63 5
Makrylia fossils: 63 6
Maksimir Park: 68 18-25
Malabaila aurea: 82 60
Malabar gourd: 57 34
Malabar nut: 96 25; 108 19
Malacothamnus: 84 24
malaria: 48 5; 52 64; 75 31; 105 51; 108 9
Malatesta: 55 57
Malcolmia flexuosa ssp. naxensis: 97 13
Malcomia graeca ssp. bicolor: 25 41
Malcomia maritima: 3 33; 16 26
Malcolmia orsiniana: 82 61
Malephora: 91 64
Malfitano: 20 63; 21 13, 14, 16
malic acid: 78 37
mallee: 23 14, 16; 91 12; 93 71; 103 63
Mallett-Stevens, Robert: 85 15; 86 70
Mallorcan midwife toad: 71 67
Mallotus japonicus: 44 36
mallow, common: 92 26
mallow, creeping: 103 44
mallow family: 92 58
mallows: 19 56; 47 61; 57 27; 64 41; 65 54; 67 32; 71 39; 75 17; 84 24; 85 23; 97 17, 49; 104 54
Maltese fungus: 78 59
Maltese Quarry Garden: 97 52
Malus: 10 12; 15 10; 72 7; 76 51
Malus domestica: 70 25; 99 63
Malus domestica ‘Gala’: 107 14
Malus hupehensis: 21 10
Malus ioensis: 89 16
Malus trilobata: 74 25
Malus tschonoskii: 2 11
Malus × purpurea: 90 35
Malurus cyaneus: 92 38
Malurus splendens: 92 38
Malva cretica: 82 63; 97 17
Malva cretica ssp. althaeoides: 82 46
Malva neglecta: 58 52
Malva subovata: 92 8
Malva sylvestris: 3 32; 19 56; 22 42; 47 61; 65 54; 75 17; 82 46, 48, 49; 92 26; 104 54
Malva thuringiaca: 71 34
Malvaceae: 82 63
Malvastrum: 6 26, 27
Malvastrum lateritium: 6 26; 52 55; S(2) 12; 85 53; 90 48
Malvaviscus arboreus: 72 33; 92 58-60; 94 17
mammals: 70 60; 84 22; 92 52; 97 70
Mammillaria compressa: 4 2; 77 16; 81 15
man ferns: 73 24
mandala: 46 19
mandarin satsuma: 101 22
mandarins: 4 45; 20 48; 22 21; 26 29; 42 55; 43 40 45; 47 3; 48 58; 49 24; 53 37, 38; 63 59, 72; 65 28; 74 48; 79 25, 62; 91 11; 93 42; 102 36; 106 40, 47
Mandela, Nelson: 71 20; 90 56
mandevilla: 23 59; 34 33; 89 17
Mandevilla: 3 25; 22 71
Mandevilla boliviensis: 20 25; 65 24
Mandevilla laxa: 18 26; 20 25; 35 41; 43 18; 56 9, 34; 65 24; 68 36; 88 14; 91 61; 102 19; 108 54
Mandevilla sanderi: 35 41
Mandevilla suaveolens: 11 44; 18 26; 35 41; 38 80; 43 18; 56 9; 102 19
Mandragora: 25 4
Mandragora autumnalis: 15 35; 16 23; 25 8; 45 8; 56 56; 57 4; 67 9; 87 3, 48; 97 9
Mandragora officinalis: 87 3, 48; 97 9
Mandragora officinarum: 3 33; 20 6; 45 13; 57 4; 62 67; 96 14; 97 9
mandrake: 20 6, 7; 42 53, 58; 56 56; 62 67; 67 9; 87 3, 48; 96 14; 97 9; 104 71
Manetti, Giuseppe: 82 67
Manfreda: 22 62; 91 49
Manfreda variegata: 81 15
manfredas: 55 8
manganese: 25 47; 76 18
manganese deficiency: 99 21
manganese sulfate: 99 21
Mangifera indica: 69 15; 70 17; 74 71; 83 23
mango: 9 9; 26 51; 42 51, 52, 61; 55 50; 69 15; 70 17; 74 71; 76 72; 79 62; 83 23; 104 23
mangroves: 65 58
Manihot esculenta: 67 60
Manihot grahamii: 103 56
manioc: 67 60
manioc, ornamental: 103 56
Manilkara zapota: 69 15; 70 13
man-made disasters: 71 61
manna ash: 52 35; 65 10; 83 35; 85 5; 90 60
manna gum: 71 54
Mannillia compressa: 4 2
Manning Park: 91 50
Manorina melanocephala: 85 39
Mansuino, Quinto: 81 63; 82 67
Mantegna: 16 52
Mantis religiosa: 97 17
manure, animal: 70 54
manure, chicken: 62 27
manure, cow: 69 66
manure, garden: 58 41
manure, goat: 6 43; 10 17; 69 66; 86 8
manure, green: 22 56; 70 54
manure, horse: 62 38; 76 30, 40; 94 27
manure, sheep: 6 45; 7 7; 55 46; 70 67; 94 27; 106 71
manure/muck: 2 30, 43, 44; 3 48, 54; 5 18; 7 7, 40; 9 22; 15 17, 19; 17 44, 56; 20 19, 20; 21 21, 29, 38, 41, 43; 22 23; 23 36; 25 53, 55; 29 19; 30 69; 41 19, 24; 44 30, 69; 45 11; 46 28, 30 54; 47 50; 49 23, 51; 55 34; 56 39, 40, 62; 58 40; 61 37, 45, 48, 60; S(2) 10; 72 71; 76 30, 31, 40; 78 32, 33; 89 42, 46; 95 19; 97 25-28; 98 49; 99 75; 100 12; 102 58; 104 58; 106 59
manure heap/pile: 70 12; 108 58
Manutius, Aldus: 99 45
manzanita: 6 35; 22 59; 15 6; 24 15-18; 27 6, 12, 14; 28 29, 69; 30 14, 16, 18; 31 52; 38 84; 44 16; 45 61; 70 60; 74 5; 77 35, 36; 81 45; 84 24; 86 32; 91 49, 55, 60; 101 32, 33; 103 46; 104 48; 107 32, 59; 108 46
Manzanita, Bigberry: 105 18
Manzanita, Carmel Sur: 82 16
Manzanita, Emerald Carpet: 105 18
Manzanita, Greenleaf: 24 15
Manzanita, Vine Hill: 81 44
Manzanita, Pajaro: 107 32
Manzanita, Silverleaf: 107 33
maple: 8 25, 26, 30-32; 14 6; 47 40; 48 7; 51 31; 63 60; 72 8, 9; 73 20; 74 7, 39, 43; 82 24; 83 31, 35; 84 53; 91 41; 93 37; 102 13; 104 54; 105 8
maple, bigleaf: 74 7; 87 11
maple, Big Tooth: 8 27
maple, Caddo: 8 26
maple, Canyon: 8 25
maple, coral-barked: 105 55
maple, Cretan: 8 30; 88 44
maple, evergreen: 29 6
maple, field: 90 60; 92 55
maple, Japanese: 45 55; 57 25; 64 26; 71 54; 73 26; 89 8, 46; 91 17; 104 55, 56; 105 17, 55; 106 67
maple, Montpellier: 57 41; 71 38; 101 6, 7
maple, Purpleblow: 8 29
maple, Shantung: 8 29
maple, Snake Bark: 8 30
maple, Sugar: 8 26, 27
maple, Syrian: 76 7
maple, Trident: 8 28
maple, Uvalde: 8 28
maple, vine: 77 36; 101 33; 103 46; 104 48
maquis: 15 26; 23 16, 61; 24 13; 26 21; 28 8; 29 4, 21; 39 26; 42 9, 31; 43 43; 45 16; 47 8; 48 20; 49 36; 50 21; 51 12, 14, 38; 52 5, 56; 53 11; 54 25, 26; 58 17; 59 60; 62 14, 15, 31, 43; 63 9, 10; S(1) 27, 37, 29; 68 29; 71 30; 72 58; 74 1, 52; 77 97, 110; 80 69; 81 9, 13, 18-20; 85 2, 31, 34, 36; 86 44; 87 43, 44, 53, 67; 88 30, 36, 39; 91 4, 5; 96 5; 97 55; 98 8; 99 47; 101 5, 10; 102 8-10; 103 56, 63; 104 54; 107 4
Maragarach Institute for Wine: 76 41
Maranta: 46 24
Marathon Dam: 42 39
marble, rosso antico: 87 39
Marcetella moquiniana: 43 28
Marchalina hellenica: 45 71; 63 12
marginal plants: 1 2; 9 2; 53 34; 70 21
marguerites: 40 9; 49 21; 50 12; 53 56; 83 69; 102 13
marguerites, blue: 100 23
marguerites, Cape: 100 23
marigold, African: 26 24; 80 42
marigold, corn: 102 30
marigold, French: 47 20; 80 29
marigold 'French Vanilla': 25 18
marigold, field: 102 30
marigold, passionfruit: 102 40; 105 9
marigolds: 7 6; 19 9; 20 46; 26 30; 2839; 32 8; 45 41; 46 9, 57; 59 16; 64 51, 68; 67 32; 70 26, 29; 80 29; 89 24, 49; 92 33; 99 42
marigolds, pot: 4 28; 42 8
marigolds, marsh: 82 55
marigolds, wild: 48 10
Marinatos, Professor Spyridon: 72 42
marine ecosystems: 63 76; 76 42
marine environment: 107 17
marine flora and fauna: 62 17
Mariposa lily: 90 12
maritime chaparral: 49 63
maritime pine: 62 15
marjoram: 6 20; 9 16; 10 29; 11 13, 31; 20 17; 29 39; 34 7; 47 6; 59 37; 62 33; 79 72, 73; 85 10; 92 28, 31; 98 46; 102 22; 108 29
marjoram, golden: 72 16; 98 47
marjoram, sweet: 108 25, 28-30
market gardening: 61 6, 10, 49; 74 57
Marlborough Daisy: 89 19
marmalade: 48 55, 56, 58, 59; 83 69; 89 35, 37; 102 36, 38
Marrakech: 99 70; 105 62-64
marrows: 7 7; 56 37, 40
Marrubium: 13 3, 55; 101 8
Marrubium cylleneum: 85 28
Marrubium globosum: 85 28
Marrubium vulgare: 3 2; 17 34; 76 39; 85 28
Marsdenia floribunda: 92 33
marsh helleborine: 57 26
marsh mallow: 59 47
marsh plants: 55 3
marshes: 54 25; 88 53; 105 50, 51
marshes, salt: 54 25; 55 3; 67 17, 26
Marsilea drummondii: 93 62
Martineau, Alice: 45 38; 46 77; 49 61
Martineau, Mrs Philippe: 29 3
Marvel of Peru: 20 16; 27 53; 30 25; 80 42; 92 31
Marvell, Andrew: 56 6; 96 65
Mas Floris: 66 17, 20-22
Masaccio: 104 59
Masefield, John: 80 53
Mask Flower: 22 26
mass extinction: 83 13
Massif de Crussol: 79 18-24
Massonia: 85 25
Mastaba Mosque, Crete: 52 69
Master Gardener Program: 60 66; 81 69
mastic tree: 1 5, 7 4 40; 6 25; 10 23; 15 26; 16 46; 22 1; 31 9; 33 23; 36 8; 39 16; 47 51; 61 6; 62 19, 24, 43; S(1) 27; 76 8; 77 9, 11, 97; 81 19; 87 54; 90 5, 6; 91 6; 94 10, 12, 13; 97 17, 38; 101 50; 107 6
mastic gum: 90 5, 6
mat grass: 65 36
matagal: 96 5
mat-forming plants: 48 25; 72 25
Mathias, Dr Mildred: 87 6
Matilija Poppy: 24 15; 28 30; 73 70
Matisse, Henri: 44 48; 77 77; 99 54
mato: 96 5
matorral: 15 58; 23 16; 24 13; 51 12-14; 64 4; 65 6; 67 15; 74 1; 96 5; 97 55; 99 61; 103 63
Matricaria: 6 33
Matricaria chamomilla: 56 65
Matricaria recutita: 56 65
Matthiola bicornis: 3 33
Matthiola incana: 6 13; 16 26; 70 26; 78 66
Matthiola incana ssp. melitensis: 91 6
Matthiola littorea: 85 2
Matthiola longipetala ssp. pumila: 45 48
Maugham, Somerset: 49 61; 91 69; 107 17
mauka: 57 34
Maurandella antirhiniflora: 55 56; 65 23
Maurandella antirrhiniflora ‘Coccinea’: 65 23
Maurandya: 20 26; 75 63
Maurandya antirrhiniflora: 90 68
Maurandya scandens: 35 42; 67 62
Maurel, André: 48 6
Mauremys caspica: 97 34
Mauriac, François: 60 14
Maurières, Arnaud: 81 50, 53; 87 70; 99 71
Maw, George: 98 65
Maximilian, Archduke: 98 7-12
maximum and minimum temperatures: 108 15
maybugs: 46 102
May Bush: 97 45
Mayten trees: 107 14
Maytenus boaria: 91 61; 107 14
mayweed: 56 65
maze: 47 47; 72 9; 74 9; 88 5
Mazus reptans: 40 19
McBride, Fay Truitt: 68 11-16
McCartney, Stella: 102 58
McLaren Trust: 103 11
McLuhan, Marshall: 45 4; 74 66
Mead, Margaret: 45 5
meadow: 43 30; 44 4; 45 36; 47 30; 55 19, 22
meadow garden: 103 48
meadow gardening: 107 46, 49
meadow-pink: 85 3
meadow saffron: 30 44
meadow sage: 35 28
meadow-steppe species: 85 33
meadowsweet: 57 26
mealybugs: 43 21; 63 45; S(2) 36; 71 70; 74 21, 49; 78 55
Mealy Sage: 63 41
Mecca: 51 56
meconopsis: 55 8
Meconopsis: 18 50, 70
Meconopsis betonicifolia: 7 46; 8 56
Meconopsis cambrica: 18 70
Meconopsis cambrica 'Flore-Pleno': 18 70
Medea: 30 44
medicago: 73 40
Medicago: 14 40; 2038; 57 27
Medicago arborea: 3 32; 10 23; 19 50, 52; 20 38, 41; 21 42; 22 36-39; 25 10; 29 24, 27; 30 21; 36 8; 39 24, 45, 55; 41 18; 45 11, 18, 27; 57 4; 59 6; 61 3; 62 43; 63 61; 67 3, 10; 69 49; 77 97; 79 43; 88 41; 108 69
Medicago arborea ssp. citrina: 67 3, 62
Medicago lupulina: 3 33
Medicago marina: 21 41
Medicago orbicularis: 82 62
Medicago officinalis: 20 41
Medicago sativa: 64 2
Medici: 43 38
Medici, Caterina de': 55 59, 62; 74 29; 78 48
medicinal garden: 64 65; 67 58; 80 13; 92 68
medicinal plants/properties: 23 67; 24 21; 28 6; 29 14, 38; 30 45; 41 15; 42 18; 44 64; 46 18; 50 45; 52 31; 53 19; 56 45, 64; 57 26; 59 42, 43, 45, 47, 58; 60 71; 67 39, 58; 71 17, 21, 22; 72 7, 13; 73 7, 13; 74 30, 60; 75 38; 76 18, 41; 78 40; 80 10, 14; 82 28, 29, 42-50; 84 48; 86 5; 88 18, 56; 93 18; 96 29, 89; 98 56; 99 61
medicinal uses: 107 46; 108 19, 26, 28, 45
medick/medic: 20 39; 41 30; 45 27; 62 43; 64 51; 75 34; 76 34; 77 97
medina: 105 62
Mediterranean buckthorn: 36 8; 62 43; 77 97, 100; 82 42
mediterranean climate: 27 4, 9, 12, 15, 16, 20, 79; 28 1, 54, 63; 59 17, 54; 63 6, 15, 17, 29, 53, 72; 93 14; 95 30, 63; 96 5, 54; 99 8, 9, 28, 51, 52, 54, 70; 100 70; 101 27, 60, 72; 102 55; 103 6, 16, 22, 33, 37, 60, 63-65; 104 4, 9, 37, 63-66; 106 4, 10, 29; 107 16, 24, 27, 35, 36, 38, 46, 62
Mediterranean climate biomes: 54 15
Mediterranean climbing cutworm: 7 29
Mediterranean cuisine/diet: 48 49; 56 2; 58 38, 42; 61 11; 65 71; 70 50; 71 24; 72 49; 74 56
Mediterranean cypress: 40 34
Mediterranean ecosystems: 61 5; 74 1; 99 71; 107 49
Mediterranean fan palm: 1 5; 4 33; 15 26; 53 18; S(1) 27; 77 9; 81 17; 87 7; 94 11
Mediterranean flora and fauna: 50 20; 53 15; 107 76
Mediterranean flora/species: 23 11, 12; 41 15; 52 56; 59 9, 40; 67 37, 58; 107 3
Mediterranean garden cycle: 105 16
mediterranean garden year: 100 5
Mediterranean Gardening Association Portugal: 89 4; 90 22; 107 62
Mediterranean gardening, practical training: 71 14
Mediterranean heritage: 72 59
Mediterranean Island Plant Specialist Group: 57 8; 59 45
Mediterranean landscapes: 72 48, 58
Mediterranean natural cycle: 50 4
Mediterranean palm: 94 11
Mediterranean Plant Finder: 2 45; 5 33
Mediterranean stonecrop: 76 14
Medjool date palm: 65 44
medlar, Dutch: 89 12, 13
medlars: 19 10; 22 13; 30 9; 55 72, 73; 67 44; 74 33; 81 17
Medoff, Mark: 94 8
Megacarpaea orbiculata: 8 53
Megascolia maculata flavifrons: 83 11; 85 31
Megaskepasma eryhtrochlamys: 92 47
Meier, Richard: 92 11-14
Meikle, E.D,: 108 24, 30
Meisner, Carl: 92 20
melaleuca: 29 18; 51 19; 52 67; 55 69; 69 8; 71 52; 77 86; 79 54
Melaleuca: 2 19; 3 8; 4 12; 5 5; 7 47; 21 2, 5; 53 19; 62 14; 71 70; 72 7; 79 55
Melaleuca diosmifolia: 78 66
Melaleuca elliptica: 2 46; 73 57
Melaleuca ericifolia: 2 19; 73 57; 108 7
Melaleuca filifolia: 2 46
Melaleuca gibbosa: 2 19
Melaleuca halinaturorum: 2 19
Melaleuca lanceolata: 2 19; 73 57
Melaleuca leucadendron: 13 12
Melaleuca linariifolia: 21 25; 59 22; 85 23
Melaleuca megacephala: 2 19
Melaleuca nesophila: 2 19; 3 39; 17 21
Melaleuca quinquenervia: 70 4
Melaleuca salicifolia: 79 56
Melaleuca styphelioides: 25 60
Melaleuca suberosa: 2 46
Melaleuca uncinata: 2 19
Melanoselinum: 44 31; 69 37
Melanoselinum decipiens: 63 16, 62; 78 66
Melas, Pavlos: 73 56
Melas, Vassilis: 88 35
Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens: 100 4; 101 2; 108 10
Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens, Cranbourne: 105 10; 108 5-19
Melasphaerula ramosa: 90 37
Melia: 7 49; 20 49; 22 12; 49 50, 55, 56; 62 4, 29; 69 23; 77 107; 93 26
Melia azedarach: 2 19; 3 30; 9 44; 10 12, 25; 20 47; 23 58; 25 10; 26 16, 30; 38 81; 42 14; 43 16, 65; 47 77; 49 53, 54; 54 38; 56 48; 59 7; 62 4; 63 62; 64 31; 71 34, 36; 73 46; 76 7; 78 9, 13; 79 6, 9; 82 30; 95 16, 29; 102 13; 107 57
melianthus: 102 28
Melianthus: 104 30
Melianthus major: 11 39, 40; 21 68; 46 30, 33; 60 6, 8; 65 8; 67 13; 68 36; 71 71; 72 12; 62 26; 92 33; 104 29
melilots: 64 51
Melilotus alba: 3 32
Melissa officinalis: 3 33; 10 29; 17 33; 20 41; 49 40; 93 37, 39
Melissa officinalis 'Aurea': 10 29
Melitense, The Maltese Quarry Garden: 91 4-7
Mellitis melissophyllum: 82 62
Melolontha: 43 28; 60 42
Melolontha melolontha: 46 102; 67 66
melons: 5 37; 9 13; 42 56, 57; 48 49; 49 20; 52 30; 55 50; 56 39; 58 38; 62 37; 63 72; 70 52, 53; 76 51; 101 48; 102 71
meltemi: 30 52; 59 9; 64 29; 67 34
melting polar icecaps: 102 55
membrane: 92 29
Menander: 105 46
Menispermum: 59 22
Mentha: 74 52; 75 22
Mentha aquatica: 21 58
Mentha longifolia: 82 62
Mentha microphylla: 85 10
Mentha pulegium: 10 32; 20 41; 62 32
Mentha requienii: 3 39; 19 66; 91 62
Mentha rotundifolia: 20 41
Mentha spicata: 10 32, 42; S(2) 27; 70 22, 26; 75 22; 101 49
Mentha spicata ssp. condensata: 85 10
Mentha spicata ssp. spicata: S(2) 27
Mentha suaveolens: 10 32, 42; S(2) 27
Mentha suaveolens 'Variegata': 10 32; 2843; S(2) 27
Mentha viridis: 10 42; S(2) 27
Mentha × piperita: 42 63; 70 26
Meredith, Louisa Anne: 44 60
Merendera: 23 51
Merendera attica: 45 13; 63 33; 77 102, 112
Merops apiaster: 83 12; 85 44; 86 17
Meryta denhamii: 13 12; 96 26
mescaline: 75 2
Mesembryanthemaceae: 18 32; 36 65; 51 6; S(2) 20, 22; 89 51
mesembryanthemum: 3 11; 12 9; 19 27; 22 52; 26 49; 52 55; 67 22
Mesembryanthemum: 57 57; 80 71
Mesembryanthemum bellidiforme ‘Magic Carpet’: 83 28
Mesembryanthemum cordifolium: 84 38; 102 15; 104 20, 25
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum: 54 19
Mesoamerican Center of Genetic Diversity: 58 68
Mesopotamia: 48 39
Mesopotamian iris: 76 16
Mespilus: 67 44
Mespilus germanica: 74 33
Mezquita: 79 9; 80 10
mesquite: 43 61
Messene: 75 56, 57
mestral: 69 16
Metasequoia: 19 68; 21 10; 76 45; 102 11
methyl bromide: 102 59
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California: 69 57
Metrosideros: 7 47; 9 44; 46 54, 93: S(1) 16
Metrosideros excelsa: 3 39; 5 42; 6 54; 13 26, 27; 25 31; 26 46; 28 13; 62 46; 65 1; S(1) 16; 67 22, 74; 77 100; 83 22; 107 6
Metrosideros ‘Springfire’: 67 62
Metrosideros tomentosa: 5 24; 6 54; 25 31
Metrosideros umbellata: 44 31
Metroxylon sagu: 68 51
Mexican blue palm: 4 5; 40 14; 107 57
Mexican breadfruit: 93 60
Mexican Bush Sage: 24 20; 39 24; 40 26
Mexican daisy: 103 40
Mexican feather grass: 55 67
Mexican Flame Vine: 22 71
Mexican fleabane: 107 8
Mexican golden oregano: 57 18
Mexican lime: 43 55
Mexican manzanita: 31 58
Mexican orange blossom: 92 28
Mexican tulip poppy: 3 12
Meyer lemon: 57 18; 62 34; 74 51; 101 22
MGAP Garden Fair: 107 62
MGAP Spring Conference 2019: 97 51
MGS annual donation: 87 72; 91 72; 95 68; 99 70; 108 68
MGS Archive Service: 65 3, 70
MGS Branches: 79 70; 80 64; 82 2; 83 72, 73; 86 3, 66; 87 73; 89 1, 3; 90 1; 91 75, 76; 92 2; 95 70, 71; 99 77, 78; 103 69; 107 73
MGS Excursions: 87 67; 88 63; 89 67; 90 2, 65; 91 71; 92 64; 93 3, 68; 95 66; 96 56; 97 71; 101 56; 103 59, 61, 62, 67
MGS Facebook page: 76 1, 4; 82 2; 86 4, 66; 87 4, 66; 89 70; 93 69; 100 2; 101 3, 4; 103 3
MGS former Presidents: 103 1
MGS Forum: 65 3, 64; 66 3, 66; 67 4; 69 42, 64; 70 1, 65, 66; 71 3, 70, 71; 72 1, 64; 73 60; 74 70; 76 4, 59, 70; 78 2; 79 67, 69; 81 1, 3; 82 1, 2; 84 71; 86 3, 66; 88 68; 89 70; 92 2; 93 69, 70; 100 3
MGS Italian website: 80 69; 87 72
MGS leaflets: 72 3, 4
MGS Scientific Committee: 47 64; 51 76; 52 70; 54 67; 61 41
MGS Seed Service/Exchange: 55 76; 59 3, 70, 71; 67 3, 4, 63; 69 13, 25, 28, 38, 42, 63; 70 11, 29, 45, 49; 71 68; 72 1, 65; 73 57; 75 63; 76 17, 22, 27, 54, 60; 78 13, 23, 35, 42, 52, 64;
79 9, 17, 24, 62; 80 4, 23, 41, 46; 81 1; 83 74; 84 9, 21, 25, 33; 86 4, 65; 90 68; 91 74; 92 1; 94 69; 97 70; 102 69; 103 21, 60; 104 40; 105 68; 107 58
MGS travel bursary: 95 4
MGS website: 83 71; 86 3, 51, 65-70; 89 70, 71; 92 1, 2; 93 4, 46, 69, 71; 94 3, 69; 95 2, 68; 103 29, 59; 107 72
‘Michaelmas Crocus’: 30 44
michaelmas daisies: 64 24; 98 70
Micheli, Pier Antonio: 83 69
Michelia figo: 38 18
Michelin Green Guide: 101 15
microbes: 56 61
microclimate: 4 13, 22, 24, 25; 7 3, 34; 26 6; 27 9, 11, 59; 28 12, 36; 29 24; 31 39; 32 46, 55; 33 14; 40 51; 41 45, 48; 42 28; 43 22, 29; 45 17; 46 53; 47 62; 49 13, 17, 43, 46; 50 3; 52 2, 27; 53 19; 54 49; 55 47, 51, 53; 61 6, 11; 62 57; 69 16; 70 53, 59; 71 32; 72 34; 74 48, 55, 71;
76 28; 78 6; 79 20, 42, 52, 60, 62; 80 16,47; 81 10, 42, 52, 71; 82 15, 27, 28; 83 66; 85 24; 86 10; 88 39; 89 18, 39; 93 15, 21; 96 46; 97 19, 20; 99 17; 100 70; 103 6, 7, 10, 22; 104 35; 107 41, 43, 47
microclimatic zones: 67 20
micro-contours: 53 54
microhabitat: 67 37, 49
micro-irrigation: 72 41
Microloma sagittatum: 21 22; 77 42
Micromeria acropolitana: 97 35, 36
Micromeria corsica: 11 43
Micromeria douglasii: 107 32
Micromeria fruticosa: 72 13
Micromeria graeca: 18 62
Micromeria juliana: 72 13
Micromeria nervosa: 72 13; 88 36
micronutrients: 69 19
microorganisms: 61 37
micropropagation: 72 41; 74 60
Microtis unifolia: 37 22
mignonette: 16 26; 46 25; 65 44; 71 63; 84 32
migrant species: 64 2, 3
migration corridors: 86 18
Milan, Roman amphitheatre : 108 70
mildew: 2 8; 4 44; 7 36, 41; 23 34, 36; 28 49; 35 43; 61 31; 70 53; 78 55; 81 28; 86 31; 98 45; 108 33
mildew, powdery: 60 43, 44; 70 68; 75 33; 94 49, 50
Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden: 87 6, 12
Mildura: 91 11, 12
mile-a-minute plant: 21 27; 62 27
milk thistle: 56 3
milkweed: 23 40; 31 79; 60 42; 84 24
milkwort: 37 39; 81 21; 103 40
milky sap: 98 56
Milky Way: 106 53
Millennium Drought, Australia: 87 3
Millennium Seed Bank: 7 42, 43; 22 66; 36 10; 42 59
Miller, Henry: 98 19
Miller, Philip: 52 30, 31; 69 51, 53; 82 66; 84 28, 29
millet: 54 3; 90 46
millipedes: 17 49; 18 69; 98 33
mills: 84 10
Milton: 98 54, 56
Mimbre: 15 32
mimetes: 89 53
Mimetes stokoei: 89 54
mimosa: 54 68
mimosa (acacia): 2 7; 7 36; 19 59, 68; 22 71; 23 45, 46, 56; 26 16; 31 9, 59; 42 7, 9, 28; 45 48; 47 3, 18; 48 68, 69; 49 19, 22, 25, 61, 70; 51 48; 52 31, 39-43; 54 49, 50; 55 80; 59 31; 60 21;
65 54; 70 4; 74 40; 82 26; 83 3, 47; 89 7; 93 47; 94 21; 97 45; 101 13; 102 33; 103 38
Mimosa: 15 40; 17 54; 18 16
Mimosa angustifolia: 53 6
Mimosa spegazzini: 13 13
Mimosaceae: 15 40; 30 28; 37 21
Mimulus: 28 30; 84 24
Mimulus aurantiacus: 6 35; 24 14; 30 19; 55 76; 84 25; 87 16; 91 49, 60; 103 48
Mimulus aurantiacus ‘Jelly Bean Gold’: 91 49
Mimulus cardinalis: 84 25
Mina lobata: 65 26
mind-your-own-business: 4 9; 77 22
mineral composition: 107 27
Miniature Jade: 75 17, 18
Minilya: 70 31
Minoan civilisation/Minoans: 59 68; 105 37; 108 25
mint: 7 6, 48; 10 26, 32, 41, 43; 11 10, 13, 17; 12 23; 13 3; 14 16; 19 66, 68; 20 16, 25, 38; 21 25; 43 49, 54; 47 6, 49; 49 25; 50 25; 62 36; 64 15, 19; S(2) 28; 72 18; 74 52, 53; 75 22; 79 72; 84 38; 85 10; 91 22; 92 24, 31; 97 40; 101 48
Mint Bush: 10 32; 43 81; S(2) 25
Mint Bush, Round Leaf: 91 60
mint, Corsican: 19 66; 91 62
mint, Eau de Cologne: 76 40
mint, wild: 98 30
Mint Moss: 91 62
mint, pennyroyal: 10 32; 11 30
mint, peppermint: 12 23
mint, pineapple: 19 68
Minuartia sp.: 82 61
Mirabilis expansa: 57 34
Mirabilis jalapa: 22 21; 27 32; 30 25, 54; 32 25; 80 42, 46; 92 31; 98 51; 102 34; 103 41
mirador: 95 43
Mirador de Lindaraja: 79 6
Mirak-I Sayyid Ghiyas: 58 63
Mirror of Venus: 16 31; 107 25-27
Mirror Plant: 91 59
mirrors: 47 24
Miscanthus: 40 19; 46 18; 64 71, 72; 72 21; 78 16
Miscanthus floridulus: 36 27
Miscanthus sacchariflorus: 78 16
Miscanthus sinensis: 46 34; 75 49; 76 49; 107 7
Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus': 36 27; 83 22
Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus': 36 27; 83 22
Miscanthus × giganteus: 78 16
Mission fig: 107 14
Missouri Botanical Gardens at St Louis: 9 3; 10 7; 52 59; 89 64
Missouri primrose: 9 38
mist: 57 56; 71 38; 73 25; 108 25, 55-57
mist systems/misting: 61 18; 74 18; 103 6
mistakes: 22 54-57
mistletoe: 31 58; 53 19; 75 41; 106 55
mistral: 3 44; 11 53; 12 55; 23 59; 29 23, 25, 26, 28; 47 14, 45; 52 42; 59 9; 72 57; 80 19
Mistral, Frédéric: 44 8
mists, ocean: 49 43
Mithridates: 41 51, 52
mixed borders: 46 19, 25, 30; 64 19
mixed lawn: 67 69
Mniarum biflorum: 91 60
mock orange: 35 18; 77 64; 84 12
mock privet: 39 21; 62 43; 77 97; 87 54; 93 11; 98 8
mock verbena: 102 42
Moghul gardens: 37 61
Moholy-Nagy, Lazlo: 74 66
moisture loss: 105 8
moisture retention: 45 41; 82 15
moisture-loving plants: 44 52; 95 61
mole cricket: 7 26; 8 17; S(2) 36
molecular phylogeny: 49 8; 77 82
molehills: 58 56
moles: 29 46; 58 54-56
Molloy, Georgiana: 44 60
Moltkia petraea: 108 49
Moltkia suffruticosa: 85 28
moly: 25 62
Momordica cochinchinensis: 92 49
Mon Repos: 56 20; 84 65; 87 53; 93 7
Monarda: 18 71
Monarda didyma: 17 36; 69 35
Monastery of Ayia Triada: 63 58, 59; 65 27
Monastery of Kaisariani: 95 16; 98 61; 99 36
Monastery of Mar Antonios Qozhaiya: 85 11
Monet, Claude: 74 32; 79 65; 98 2
money tree: 106 45
Monforte Garden: 92 69; 95 56
monitoring air quality: 99 33
Monkey Flower: 28 30; 30 16, 19; 80 66; 84 24
monkey puzzle: 6 17; 36 32; 46 14; 49 22, 25; 71 33; 89 22-24; 98 10; 99 22; 106 51
Monks’ Pepper: 63 62; 76 54; 105 48
monocotyledons: 63 28; 92 63
monoculture: 6 2, 40; 61 26; 62 42; 63 76; 92 51; 103 5; 106 63
monstera: 53 33; 104 12
Monstera deliciosa: 13 7; 43 60; 82 7; 84 12; 93 60; 95 58; 97 54; 103 32; 106 55
Mont Saint Cyr: 74 37-42
Montaigne, Michel de: 61 22; 82 66; 102 67
montane chaparral: 24 13-15
Montanoa grandiflora: 85 23
montbretia: 14 19; 91 63; 100 21
Monterey cypress: 4 4, 5; 28 31; 31 49; 77 17, 18; 78 1; 88 62
Monterey pine: 7 19; 25 57; S(1) 10
Montezuma cypress: 5 5
Monticola solitaries: 79 19
Montoliu, Enrique: 92 7; 95 47
Montpelier: 89 44
Montpellier Botanical Garden/Jardin des Plantes: 47 54; 77 81
Montpellier maple: 53 18; 71 38; 101 6, 7
Montpellier University Herbarium: 47 54; 48 67; 49 4-19; 77 78-84
Montreal Convention, 1987: 102 59
Monza, Villa Reale: 82 66, 67
moon, influence of: 80 28
moonflower: 16 24; 28 18
moonlight: 6 16
Moore, Thomas: 46 23, 29, 33, 35
Moorish traditions: 90 16
Moors: 48 46-49
Moraceae: 23 60; 91 61
Moraea: 56 9; 91 64; 100 70
Moraea alticola: 31 27
Moraea aristata: 28 48
Moraea aspera: 77 112
Moraea collina: 77 112; 94 14
Moraea huttonii: 31 27
Moraea miniata: 77 112
Moraea neopavonia: 27 24
Moraea spathulata: 31 27; 37 45
Moraea sisyrinchium: 65 46; 70 10; 81 20; 97 10; 105 33
Moraea tripetala: 21 22; 77 42
Moraea vallisbelli: 77 112
Moraea villosa: 27 24
moraeas: 80 2; 83 1
Moraga Vineyard gardens: 45 33
More, Sir Thomas: 99 56; 101 65
Morea: 101 65
Morgan, Julia: 74 12
Moreton Bay Fig: 38 24; 71 57; 93 8
Moricandia nitens: 73 7
Morina persica: 87 68
Moringa peregrina: 65 44
Morisia monanthos: 3 33
morning glory: 18 25; 19 32, 33; 20 15, 45; 22 15; 33 31; 35 53; 42 56-58; 49 41; 53 32; 66 32; 78 72; 80 22; 85 52; 86 26; 90 41; 91 61; 101 24
Moroccan broom: 35 38; 77 65
Moroccan cypress: 81 55
Moroccan gardens: 93 65
Morris, Sir Cedric: 95 81
Morris, William: 45 4
Morrison, Robert: 49 6; 77 80
Morus: 49 55, 56
Morus alba: 3 30; 10 12; 22 10; 28 53; 35 14; 49 53, 54; 59 7; 62 1; 71 34; 80 3; 82 27; 84 14; 85 12; 89 38; 101 63
Morus alba, fruitless cultivar: 82 27
Morus alba ‘Platanifolia’: 80 3
Morus australis: 89 30; 101 63
Morus bombycis: 89 30
Morus indica: 101 63
Morus japonica: 101 63
Morus kagayamae: 101 46
Morus multicaulis: 101 63
Morus nigra: 3 30; 6 15; 10 12; 20 41; 30 54; 64 3; 85 12; 101 63, 65
Morus papyrifera: 101 63
Morus rubra: 101 63
Morville Hall: 79 63
mosaic cultivation: 73 56
mosaics: 87 57; 101 57, 58
Moscow Botanic Gardens: 56 23
Moses: 101 58
mosquito fish: 59 62
mosquito larvae: 52 3; 59 52; 104 15
mosquitoes: 7 5; 44 50; 55 41; 56 65; 72 19; 73 28; 78 17; 79 5; 80 6; 82 52; 83 9; 85 41; 92 31; 98 32, 33; 99 54, 59; 101 53, 55; 103 9; 106 60
mosquitoes, tiger: 100 42, 43
moss: 15 7; 53 34; 58 15; 61 21, 23; 65 37, 38; 67 21; 75 41; 76 44; 77 36; 79 2, 49; 80 15; 81 11, 20; 85 12; 86 44; 90 19; 94 39; 99 50, 66; 101 71; 104 48; 105 29
Moss Bank Gardens: 89 66
moss campion: 57 26
Mother-in-Law’s Cushion: 8 12
Mother-in-Law’s Tongue: 73 64
moth-repellent qualities: 98 46
moths: 7 29; 35 40; 38 43; 44 46; 63 45; 64 51, 61; 77 23, 75; 85 42, 43; 87 31; 89 53; 90 8; 94 40, 43, 44; 104 12
moths – hawkmoth: 64 52
moths – death’s-head hawkmoth: 71 73, 74; 72 37
moths – hummingbird hawkmoth: 64 46, 47
moths – noctuid: 7 29; 77 23
moths – sphinx moth: 64 53
motorway verges: 75 34
mould: 23 34, 36, 40, 42
Mount Athos: 104 50-54
Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens: 21 3; 22 15
Mout Nebo: 101 58
Mount of Olives: 65 43
Mount Olympus: 23 38
Mount Scopus Botanical Garden: 72 5, 6
Mount Stewart: 57 22, 25; 91 70
Mount Tabor oak: 76 6, 7
Mount Vesuvius: 80 62; 83 54; 84 47
Mount Vision ceanothus: 81 44
Mountain Ash (Australian): 73 24, 25; 80 15; 83 31
Mountain Ash (European): 73 24; 94 44
mountain avens: 57 26
Mountain Cabbage Tree: 92 33; 93 1; 102 42
Mountain chinquapin: 24 15
Mountain mahogany: 24 15, 16; 74 4
Mountain maple: 23 62
mountain tea: 63 61; 85 27; 86 47; 99 66
Mountain View: 6 9
moving trees/plants: 50 16, 19, 59
mowers, mechanical: 55 19
mowing: 65 36-38; 98 30; 99 72; 101 24
Msida Bastion cemetery: 100 23
Mt. Atlas mastic tree: 100 23
MUCEM: 78 4
mudflows/mudslides: 51 42, 79
mud puddles: 85 41, 46
Mudgee Wattle: 69 6
Muehlenbeckia: 85 19
Muehlenbeckia axillaris: 19 65; 81 59
Muehlenbeckia complexa: 65 8; 91 3
Mueller, Ferdinand, Baron von: 69 62; 92 24; 108 8, 10
mugwort: 30 35; 75 27, 29, 30
Muhlenbergia capillaris ‘Regal Mist’: 104 42
Muhlenbergia rigens: 6 35; 30 18; 74 7; 91 60; 101 34; 103 48; 105 19; 107 32
mulberry: 7 37; 8 45; 9 29, 30; 10 12, 13, 22; 20 39; 22 10; 26 54; 28 21, 22, 53; 30 54; 40 54; 48 49; 49 35-37, 42; 55 24, 53, 80; 60 13; 62 1, 3, 37; 64 2, 3, 9; 66 7; 68 14, 39; 71 34, 38; 74 38; 80 44, 46; 81 72; 84 14, 60; 85 12, 58; 89 30, 32, 38; 92 27; 100 2; 101 46, 52, 53, 55, 63-65; 102 45; 103 29; 104 70; 105 48; 106 40; 107 5; 108 58
mulberry, American red: 101 63
mulberry, black: 101 63, 65
mulberry, Chinese: 101 63
mulberry, Indian: 101 63
mulberry, Japanese: 22 10; 101 63
mulberry, Korean: 101 63
mulberry, paper: 101 63
mulberry, white: 50 24; 101 63
mulch: 1 8 9; 2 14, 24, 28; 3 48, 54; 4 10, 32, 43; 5 18, 36, 37, 51, 53, 54; 6 1, 19, 21, 23, 34, 47, 56; 7 1, 40, 42, 47; 8 4, 7, 8, 48-51; 10 18, 24; 15 28, 58; 16 28, 44, 55, 70; 17 44, 45; 18 55, 56; 19 46, 56; 20 19; 21 26, 29, 41, 43; 22 2, 8, 12, 26, 36, 46, 52, 56, 57; 23 43, 54, 75; 24 4, 48; 25 31; 26 24, 29, 36; 27 4, 20, 50, 65; 30 17; 31 34, 37, 38, 53; 32 48; 33 48, 83; 34 15, 20, 28, 54-56; 39 19, 25, 28; 40 15, 30, 51, 70, 72; 41 30; 43 16, 26; 44 3, 43, 69; 45 25, 27, 30, 58; 46 13, 73, 89; 47 30, 31; 48 25, 52, 62; 49 14, 30-32, 49, 52, 71; 51 19, 20, 22, 27, 80; 52 2, 12, 57; 53 26, 28, 54, 66; 54 51, 53, 61; 55 16, 30, 43, 46; 56 39, 40, 44; 57 3; 58 53-55; 60 1, 44; 61 2, 36, 38; 62 27, 38, 43, 48, 50-52, 64, 68; 63 25, 46, 49, 50, 71, 72; 64 71; 65 14, 18-20; S(1) 3, 29, 33, 36; 66 23, 37, 53; 67 7, 47; 68 9; 69 2, 20; S(2) 10; 70 15, 51, 53, 60, 67; 71 29, 43, 55; 72 23; 75 34; 76 33, 50; 77 11, 13, 35, 45, 86, 89, 97; 78 24, 55, 56; 79 47; 80 40; 81 25; 82 15, 18, 40; 83 30, 44, 45; 84 23, 36, 40; 85 25, 43; 88 6, 7, 51-53; 89 49; 91 18, 24; 92 28, 41, 55, 56, 66; 93 26, 37; 94 14, 15, 43; 96 12; 97 10; 99 40; 100 50; 101 25, 46; 102 15, 16, 46; 103 16, 39; 104 16, 25, 27, 29, 30; 105 59, 61; 107 17, 36
mulch, acid: 104 57; 106 59
mulch, bark: 79 47; 95 46; 102 16
mulch, chipping: 73 69
mulch, crushed rock: 102 16
mulch, fire-retardant: 102 16
mulch, fleece mats: 22 57; 23 58
mulch, granitic sand: 100 4
mulch, grape pips/residue: 95 16; 96 12
mulch, gravel: 51 22; 74 45; 75 44; 76 44; 77 89; 79 47; 80 20; 81 32, 35; 85 20; 92 41; 100 4; 103 16
mulch, inorganic: 79 47; 86 8; 100 4; 103 16; 104 28
mulch, living: 49 49; 66 54
mulch, natural: 104 16
mulch, non-native: 85 43
mulch, organic: 49 49; 51 22; 66 53; 77 89; 102 45
mulch pea straw: 51 22; 77 89
mulch, pebbles: 86 27; 87 75; 95 46
mulch, rocks: 91 20
mulch, sand: 99 53
mulch, sawdust: 96 12; 102 16
mulch, sheet mulching: 63 49; 82 15
mulch, shell grit: 102 16
mulch spray-on: 102 16
mulch, stone: 66 10
mulch, straw: 100 4
mulch, wood bark: 77 89
mulch, wood chips: 100 4; 102 15
mulch, wood shavings: 95 18
mullein: 8 41, 43; 43 31; 84 26
multicrop layering: 61 10
multinational pharmaceutical organisations: 59 41
multi-pleasure gardens: 107 45
Munichoven, Everard: 100 38, 39
municipal planting: 99 22; 103 18
Munstead: 59 13, 17, 19
Munstead House: 60 15, 17, 18; 61 68
Munstead Wood: 59 9, 10, 15, 17; 61 68
Munthe, Axel: 64 21; 80 62
Murabilia, Lucca: 73 58
mûrier platane: 62 37; 89 30; 101 46, 47; 108 58
Murphy, Lady: 50 33, 35
Murraya koenigii: 15 20, 21; 52 55; 65 2; S(1) 24, 25; 75 24
Murraya paniculata: 20 27; 79 58
Murray-Darling River system: 48 32
Mus, Jean: 52 22
Musa: 55 40; 67 22; 69 15; 70 12
Musa acuminata: 98 10
Musa basjoo: 40 15; 42 79; 52 31; 55 14; 57 61
Musa ‘Cavendish’: 70 12
Musa × paradisiaca: 98 10
Musa × sapientum: 98 10
Musa zebrina: 98 10
muscari: 2 43; 31 41; 43 44; 78 62
Muscari: 2 16; 25 17; 27 18; 29 43; 37 40; 48 12; 52 60; 62 49; 64 54; 68 37; 81 20, 41; 82 34; 84 38; 90 37; 93 38; 97 38; 101 58; 106 56
Muscari armeniacum: 11 19; 16 31; 38 21
Muscari bicolor: 65 50
Muscari botryoides: 82 56, 60
Muscari commutatum: 3 35; 8 41; 16 26; 45 13, 17; 59 57; 66 6; 108 15
Muscari comosum: 3 35; 8 41; 11 19; 16 26, 31; 19 30; 20 41; 22 44; 32 20; 45 13; 56 3, 56; 57 3; 65 46, 54; 70 10
Muscari macrocarpum: 105 24
Muscari neglectum: 2 32; 3 35; 16 31; 48 10; 57 3; 70 9, 11; 81 20; 82 60; 90 68; 100 10
Muscari plumosum: 19 30
Muscari plumosum album: 19 30
Muscari racemosum: 3 35; 11 19
Muscari tenuiflorum: 11 19
Museum of Contemporary Art, Porto: 90 16, 18, 20
Museum of Garden History: 24 67
Museum of Modern Art, New York: 80 49
Museum of Natural History, Goulandris: 56 19; 60 61, 62
Museum of Natural History, Paris: 49 4
Museum of the Olive and Greek Olive Oil: 41 39
Museum, Agricultural, Vori: 53 1
Museum, Yannick and Ben Jakober Foundation: 57 55
mushrooms: 7 7; 58 41; 65 32; 88 46; 100 67; 104 14, 52
Mussolini: 97 14
mustard: 6 46; 22 56; 44 45; 64 4, 51; 77 74; 79 14; 92 26; 94 47
mustard and cress: 46 55
mustard greens: 56 46; 58 33
mustard, white: 102 30
mustard, wild: 56 3
Muster-John-Henry: 64 68
Mycobacterium vaccae: 69 70
myco-heterotrophic: 104 13
mycology: 83 69
mycorrhizal fungi/mycorrhizae: 2 52; 36 26; 46 71, 72; 48 16; 64 48, 49; 72 71
mycorrhizal communities: 96 46
mycorrhizal products: 64 49
Myers, Norman: 65 5; 93 14
Myoporaceae: 37 21
myoporum: 23 56; 35 48; 95 46
myoporum, creeping: 76 13
Myoporum: 9 44; 22 71; 49 55, 56; 51 20; 77 87
Myoporum arvensis: 3 52
Myoporum desertii: 2 19
Myoporum insulare: 2 19
Myoporum laetum: 49 53, 54; 62 46; 70 62; 77 100; 91 20
Myoporum oppositifolium: 2 19
Myoporum parvifolium: 38 28; 76 13; 102 15
Myoporum raevifolium: 2 19
Myoporum viscosum: 2 19; 37 21
Myosotidium hortensium: 27 62; 67 21; 74 24
myosotis: 51 60
Myosotis alpestris: 82 61
Myosotis sicula: 82 61
Myotragus balearicus: 67 61
Myrica californica: 28 29; 107 32
Myrinaceae: 100 22
myrobalan: 10 14
myrrh: 9 16
Myrsine: 102 27
Myrsine africana: 4 4; 18 2; 22 6; 59 54; 77 17; 103 14
Myrtaceae: 29 17; 37 21; S(1) 16; 70 3; 71 68; 91 59, 61, 62
Myrtillocactus: 64 16
Myrtillocactus geometrizans: 82 8
Myrtillocactus geometrizans 'Crestatus': 36 15
myrtle: 1 5; 3 4; 4 23, 26; 6 24, 25, 52; 8 7; 9 16; 10 5; 12 7; 15 39; 17 1, 54; 18 2, 23; 19 65; 20 4, 5, 27, 29, 30, 37, 39; 21 25; 22 1, 6; 23 56; 26 12, 29; 28 6, 12; 32 4, 7, 8; 34 5, 6; 36 8, 24, 29; 38 58; 40 42, 45, 46; 42 74, 79; 43 42, 62; 46 53, 60; 48 20, 49; 49 3, 38, 41; 50 4; 51 14; 52 5, 16, 55; 53 8, 12, 17, 24; 55 26, 69; 56 25; 57 50; 59 10, 11, 13, 18, 22; 62 31; 64 30; 67 22; 73 6; 74 31; 76 8, 54; 77 5, 9; 78 5; 80 1; 83 59; 86 29, 30; 87 59; 89 61; 90 17; 91 62; 92 4, 9, 27, 31; 93 11, 28; 94 11; 95 46; 97 42; 98 8, 27, 28; 99 43, 47; 102 31; 105 12; 107 6; 108 69, 70
Myrtle family: 69 9; S(2) 14
myrtle, Italian: 92 4
myrtle hedges: 92 4, 9, 31, 34
myrtle spurge: 75 41
myrtle, willow: 21 25
Myrtus: 5 33; 6 25; 36 29; 43 8; 63 22; 99 47; 104 20
Myrtus apiculata: 33 30
Myrtus communis: 1 5; 3 30; 4 19, 26; 5 42; 10 6, 18; 11 8; 14 25; 20 5, 29, 41; 22 6; 32 16; 36 8; 40 40; 47 8; 51 14; 52 5, 16; 53 17; 59 7; 60 57; 63 61; 70  62; 71 34, 36; 76 8; 77 9; 80 1; 82 30; 83 59; 86 29; 90 17; 91 62; 92 34; 93 11; 94 11; 95 52; 98 8; 103 45; 105 12; 107 6; 108 69
Myrtus communis ssp. communis: 74 33
Myrtus communis ‘Flore Pleno’: 85 31
Myrtus communis 'Leucocarpa': 20 30
Myrtus communis ‘Nana’: 107 8
Myrtus communis ssp. tarentina: 5 42; 18 23; 20 30 ; 80 1, 22; 92 4
Myrtus lechleriana: 18 23
Myrtus luma: 18 23; 42, 79
Myrtus nivelli: 20 29
Myrtus ugni: 18 23
myxamatosis: 29 46
Myzus persicae: 75 33

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