Mediterranean Garden Society

The Andalucia Branch of the MGS

Andalucia is a huge area with some of the sunniest, hottest or driest, even windiest, parts of Europe which pose many challenges to gardening. Gardeners in Andalucia are an international lot from all parts of the world, working and caring for all sorts of gardens, large and small, from historic gardens with Moorish influences, large agricultural estates, to gardens of modern holiday homes. 

Andalucia Branch Head is Sibylle Mattern: read her biography here. Members and prospective members please contact Sibylle with questions, ideas, suggestions. 

The photographs at the top of this page show views of Andalucia during winter: Landscape with cork oak; Plantings of aloe on the Mediterranean public coastal path, Marbella; View of the Alhambra, Granada; Almond tree blossom in February; Gardens of the Alcazar in Cordoba; Landscape with asphodels (Photos Sibylle Mattern)

Versión española
Versión española

Sibylle Mattern
Sibylle joined the MGS with the aim to minimize mistakes after having started to create her own Mediterranean garden on the Costa del Sol, Spain. She is a biologist (molecular genetics) by training but has been gardening in Germany since her childhood. When she is not in her German or Spanish gardens, she spends her free time looking after her breeding horses or travelling for wildlife photography.

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