Mediterranean Garden Society

What's On

The photograph at the top of this page shows a garden on Mount Pendeli visited during the AGM tour in Athens in November 2022 (Photo Sibylle Mattern)

MGS events are held by Branches around the world as well as Excursions, online talks and annual meet ups. All MGS members are welcome to attend: please contact the Branch or event organiser to register your participation.

Wednesday 11 September - via Zoom at 6pm (CET - Rome)  

Sergio Cummitini & Mario Faro, Piante Faro Sicily, Italy
“Radicepura Garden Festival”

Saturday 21 September - Aidoni, Gavrolimni
Visit to Zelios Gi Botanical Garden

Costa Blanca
Saturday 5 October - Valencia

Two gardens, a historic one and a modern one

South Australia
October 2024 - Adelaide

Garden Tour Down Under
Pre Tour 9 to 13 October 2024
Main Tour 14 to 20 October 2024

Wednesday 13 November - via Zoom at 6pm (CET - Rome)  

Luciano Giubbilei, Landscape and Garden Designer, UK
“The Field: a gardening journey in Majorca”

Costa Blanca
Saturday 23rd November - Crevillente and Catral 

Two gardens and the Branch Meeting

Wednesday 11 December - via Zoom at 6pm (CET - Rome)  

Daniel Hinkley, Writer, Lecturer, Explorer, Nurseryman, Garden maker, US
“The Flora and Gardens of Chile”

THE MEDITERRANEAN GARDEN is the registered trademark of The Mediterranean Garden Society in the European Union, Australia, and the United States of America

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