Mediterranean Garden Society

A Gallery of Euphorbias

The photo at the top of this page shows self-seeded Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii reflected in the surface of a pond in central Italy (Photo Yvonne Barton)

MGS President Caroline Davies has made a selection of her favourite Euphorbias.

She writes: "Euphorbias make up such a diverse genus and most are very tough, although some do not like frost. Over 2000 species are found around the world, and differ greatly in appearance: tall architectural cactus-like forms, smaller thorny succulents with showy bracts, and leafy perennial mounds, but they all have the same milky sap which is poisonous and can cause nasty rashes. Even poinsettias - which are very popular in Australia for Christmas with their crimson bracts - are part of the genus (Euphorbia pulcherrima) native to Mexico. The floral structure on euphorbias is made up of a cyathium, which is a clusters of bracts enclosing one female (pistillate) flower and a number of male (staminate) flowers."

Photos are by Caroline Davies, unless stated otherwise, with much assistance from Yvonne Barton, in sourcing photographs.

Click or tap on pictures of the Euphorbias to enlarge the photo and find out what makes each a favourite of Caroline's.

  • Euphorbia characias

  • Euphorbia milii

  • Euphorbia milii Siam hybrids

  • Euphorbia ingens

  • Euphorbias at Fermi de Sousa’s rockery

  • Euphorbia rigida

  • Euphorbia myrsinites

  • Euphorbia dendroides

  • Euphorbia acanthothamnos

  • Euphorbia cyparissias

  • Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii

  • Euphorbia x martinii

  • Euphorbia nicaensis

  • Euphorbia mellifera

  • Euphorbia paralias

  • Euphorbia epithymoides (syn E. polychroma)

  • Euphorbia marginata

  • Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae

  • Euphorbia tirucalli Firesticks”

  • Euphorbia spinosa

  • Euphorbia pithyusa

  • Euphorbia ceratocarpa

  • Euphorbia caput-medusae

  • Euphorbia hypericifolia ‘Diamond Dazzler’

  • Euphorbia flanaganii

  • Euphorbia trigona

  • Euphorbia veneris

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