Mediterranean Garden Society

Sparoza - Walled Garden

The photograph at the top of this page shows the Walled Garden in March (Photo Lucinda Willan)

A walled sunken garden on the south side of the house is accessible only from the south veranda; in it grow citrus fruit trees, a bay tree and climbers such as bougainvillea, Podranea ricasoliana and Trachelospermum jasminoides. The south veranda itself is covered by two magnificent wisterias and houses a collection of pot plants including the night-flowering Epiphyllum oxypetalum.

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1. Lantana camara
2. Solanum laxum
3. Citrus x aurantium
4. Dicliptera sericea/Jacobina suberecta
5. Laurus nobilis
6. Iris unguicularis
7. Trachelospermum jasminoides
8. Teucrium flavum
9. Wisteria sinensis
10. Cercis siliquastrum
11. Pandorea jasminoides
12. Citrus reticulata
13. Acanthus hungaricus (syn. balcanicus)
14. Pelargonium
15. Bougainvillea (purple)
16. Jasminum nudiflorum
17. Rosa sp.
18. Crassula ovata
19. Jasminum officinale
20. Begonia corallina
21. Begonia sp.
22. Pilea cadierei
23. Epiphyllum oxypetalum
24. Pistacia lentiscus

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