Mediterranean Garden Society

Sparoza - Woodland Border

The photograph at the top of this page shows the Woodland Border in January (Photo Lucinda Willan)

The trapezoidal bed of the Woodland Border is the shadiest area of the Terraces, overhung by the outstretched branches of the Searsia lancea, the Dancing Olives and two Ailanthus altissima. It is a bed full of shade-tolerant plants, delicate bulbs and low-growing shrubs with a green carpet provided by the creeping Tradescantia fluminensis and different Oxalis species.

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1. Acanthus mollis
2. Amaryllis belladonna
3. Salvia sp.
4. Rosmarinus officinalis
6. Helleborus orientalis cultivar
7. Justicia candicans
8. Tradescantia fluminensis
9. Coleonema album
10. Zephyranthes + Freesia
11. Oxalis articulata
12. Iris unguicularis
13. Duranta erecta ‘Alba’
14. Albucaa bracteata formerly Ornithogalum longibracteatum or caudatum
15. Iris × germanica
17. Duranta erecta 'Sapphire Showers'
19. Viola (group)
20. Crinum moorei
22. Pavonia hastata
23. Dietes bicolor
24. Cestrum nocturnum
25. Oxalis triangularis 'Purpurea'
26. Garlic sp.
27. Sarcococca
29. Hemerocallis
30. Iochroma australe
31. Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips'
32. Centranthus ruber
33. Melasphaerula ramosa
34. Zephyranthes
35. Agapanthus praecox
36. Ixia polystachya
37. Zantedeschia aethiopica
38. Lavandula multifida
39. Rosa sp.
40. Pear tree
41. Cerinthe retorta
42. Eriobotrya deflexa
43. Erysimum capitatum (syn. Wheeleri)

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