Mediterranean Garden Society

Sparoza - Dry Bed

The photograph at the top of this page shows the Dry Bed in April with Cistus creticus and Lavandula dentata in bloom (Photo Lucinda Willan)

The Dry Bed is also sometimes referred to as the Herb Bed, it is a large rectangular raised bed that fills the void created by the change in levels coming down from the East Veranda. It has a beautiful dry-stone wall on its eastern side and is flush with the stone path next to the house to the west. It is the only bed in the Terraces that is completely unwatered and holds some of the prized plants of the garden. Two Ebenus cretica and a wonderful old prostrate rosemary that dates to Jacky Tyrwhitt’s time.

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1. Origanum onites
2. Micromeria juliana
3. Ebenus cretica
5. Narcissus sp.
6. Marrubium sp.
7. Eremophila nivea
8. Hertia cheirifolia formerly Othonna cheirifolia
9. Malcolmia maritima
10. Anthyllis vulneraria 'Nina'
11. Acanthus mollis
12. Helichrysum petiolare
13. Delphinium staphisagria
14. Lavandula dentata
15. Pistacia lentiscus
16. Cistus creticus
17. Scaligeria napiformis
18. Euphorbia acanthothamnos
19. Teucrium marum
20. Salvia discolor
21. Iris unguicularis
22. Othonna Hertia sp.
23. Eriocephalus africanus
24. Convolvulus sabatius
25. Rosmarinus officinalis 'Severn Sea'
26. Teucrium fruticans 'Azureum'
27. Rosmarinus officinalis Prostratus Group - Muscari armeniacum/Nigella/Papaver rhoeas/Umbilicus rupestris

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