Mediterranean Garden Society

Sparoza - Threshing Floor

The photograph at the top of this page shows the ‘Threshing Floor’ natural lawn with vibrant green colours in March (Photo Lucinda Willan)

The area is known as the ‘Threshing Floor’. It is not a true threshing floor but has been given this name because in size and shape it resembles a traditional Greek threshing floor. It is a circular flat area, approximately 15 metres in diameter, consisting of what was once a lawn and is now managed as a dry meadow, surrounded by a border of drought-tolerant shrubs and sub-shrubs. This meadow does not receive any water and is mown in early summer after the wild flowers in it have set seed. Particularly worthy of note in the surrounding beds are the large mounds of Ptilostemon chamaepeuce, a Greek native plant with narrow leaves and mauve thistle-like flowers in spring. 

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1. Drosanthemum sp.
2. Alyogyne huegelii x hakeifolia
3. Freesia leichtlinii
4. Achillea millefolium
5. Rhodanthemum hosmariense
6. Cistus x skanbergii
7. Lomelosia cretica
8. Scilla peruviana
9 .Santolina viridis
11. Teucrium polium
12. Dianthus sp.
13. Cotyledon orbiculata
14. Thevetia peruviana
15. Tradescantia sillamontana
16. Teucrium fruticans 'Agadir'
17. Gladiolus tristis
17A. Nepeta faassenii
18. Coleonema album
19. Senecio bicolor
20. Catananche caerulea
21. Phlomis fruticosa
22. Lavandula dentata
23. Aurinia saxatilis
24. Cistus monspeliensis
25. Phlomis russeliana
26. Salvia chamaedryoides
27. Cistus cretica
28. Teucrium fruticans 'Azureum'
29. Anthyllis barba-jovis
30. Cotyledon orbiculata
31. Rosmarinus officinalis
32. Marrubium vulgare
33. Santolina chamaecyparissus
34. Cneorum tricoccon
35. Helichrysum orientalis
36. Malvastrum lateritium
37. Salvia argentea
37. A Centaurea cineraria
39. Salvia sp.
40. Helicrysum petiolare
41. Sparaxis tricolor
42. Salvia leucantha
43. Calamintha sylvatica
44. Artemisia arborescens
45. Euphorbia ceratocarpa
46. Pelargonium
47. Lomelosia cretica
48. Ptilostemon chamaepeuce
49. Eriocephalus africanus
50. Yucca elephantipes
51. Euphorbia dendroides
52. Iris germanica
53. Aloe sp.
54. Centaurothamnus maximus
55. Amaryllis belladonna
56. Ferraria crispa
57. Echinopsis oxygona
58. Sedum ochroleucum
59. Cactus
60. Echinocactus grusonii
61. Crassula ovata
62. Rhamnus alaternus
63. Cercis siliquastrum

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